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P.E.I. Sport Horse Breeders Association

Visit our Classifieds for up-to-date information on horses, equipment, etc that is wanted or forsale.

Please contact us if you would like to add your horse, tack, trailers, etc to this site.


DONIA - is a registered Canadian Sport Horse, approved for breeding. She is 16.1 1/2hh, born in 1994. By the german Hannoverian Don Carlos(sire of the 1997 German Hannoverian Horse of the year, Don Juan) out of a Play for Time mare whose grandsire is the english TB Bengal. Donia has been in Training with Heidi MacLeod since August 99. Great Temperment, sound in mind and body. $15,000. firm. Contact Margaret Younker, (902)368-1501 or Huntervallyfarm@hotmail.com.

WELLSPRING - is a registered Canadian Sport Horse, approved for breeding, 16.1hh, born in 1992. She is by Wellington 2nd, out of a Play for Time mare whose grandsire was Bengal. Proven broodmare, green broke as a three year old. Well handled with no vices. Contact Margaret Younker at (902)368-1501 or Huntervallyfarm@hotmail.com

WANTED - two horse trailer in good condition, ramp load preferred, reasonably priced, contact Carla Reid (902)626-3405 or Carlasreid@yahoo.ca